

A thousand Words

January 27, 2021

Your wedding and Covid-19 (2021 edition)

So as another packed wedding season looms, we still feel our anticipated excitement numbed by the shadow of the continued pandemic. Let’s not get caught out this year. Even though we can’t see the virus, we know of its presence and we can be proactive in safeguarding your wedding plans our occupations and above all […]

December 6, 2020

Is that a light at the end of the 2020 Covid-19 tunnel? Surely not a train?

“I fully expected us to be at a completely different place by Easter and a busy summer of nuptial events”

November 27, 2020

96 Tiers

Tempted to use the musical pun of Tiers of a Clown though I am, I’m trying to stay impartial and apolitical here, politics have no place on a wedding website after-all (I didn’t vote for him btw). So the latest Covid-19 update and re-worked lockdown is coming into play on the 2nd of December incorporating […]

September 24, 2020

Another Covid-19 Wedding Update 24/09/20

And just when you think you’ve got a handle on the Covid-19 wedding guidance Johnson’s government change it again. So from Monday the 28th of September 2020 the number of guests allowed at weddings in England has been reduced from 30 to 15. This has to include any children/infants and your witnesses but does NOT […]

September 10, 2020

Another Covid-19 Wedding update

I have refrained from any updates to this since the end of June as the guidance from the Government is ever changing but in this post I will try to distill the latest Covid-19 update to reflect only the wedding and wedding reception aspects of yesterdays changes to the law covering gatherings. As I understand […]

June 29, 2020

Your wedding and Covid-19

The latest guidance, advice and legalities from the Government regarding wedding ceremonies in England, posted 29/06/2020 and effective from 04/07/2020. To save you trawling through the .gov web pages and reading lots of superfluous guidelines I have tried to dilute the relevant current legislation and advice into some key-points for those interested and or affected […]

March 17, 2020

Covid-19 Update

Well it has been a funny old start to the 2020 wedding season hasn’t it? Not quite the “best year ever” that the New Years Eve optimism professed it to be. And yet here we are, each and every one of us dealing with a pandemic. So I thought it about time to post my […]

March 15, 2020

Nine top wedding tips (because ten would be boring)

1-     Button up dresses take longer than you think so start earlier than you planned to, and a crochet hook is a godsend for those fiddly little blighters! 2-     Groom, Best Man & Ushers. Have a tie tying practice session (with or without beer) a week before the day, decide on a style, full Windsor, Half Windsor, […]

March 6, 2020

Whats the deal with colour?

Let’s talk about colour (or color if you are Merican) “the quality of an object or substance with respect to light reflected by the object, usually determined visually by measurement of hue, saturation, and brightness of the reflected light; saturation or chroma; hue” I’m not going to get all physics on you (wholly because I […]

Bridal Party with Smoke Bombs at Tunnels Beaches Wedding venue in Devon

February 20, 2020

Tunnels Beaches Wedding Venue in Devon

We are SO blessed to have one of the most unique wedding venues in the UK right on our doorstep (or more specifically cliff face) here in beautiful Devon. Tunnels Beaches has hosted many stunning weddings since becoming one of the UK’s most sought after wedding venues, and I have been lucky enough to photograph […]

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Photography by Evolve Photography

Evolve Photography
35 Spinney Close

Evolve Photography
35 Spinney Close



07585 333233

07585 333233